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steve_icon_medium.jpgThe Omnibrain is a psychology graduate student at an online university. He hopes that the three weeks and $29.95 that he is spending on his Ph.D. will get him a job at a Tier 1 research university. Do online universities have postdocs? Ok...just kidding, The Omnibrain is a real graduate student at a real school somewhere in the continental United States - or maybe Europe.


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My dissertation in pictures

Category: PsychologyVision
Posted on: March 3, 2010 4:32 PM, by The Omnibrain

Sorta... Can you guess what it's about? and even better my conclusions?

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object recognition theory
1/2 and 3/4 : one 2d view can be illusion, but if several say the same thing, you got the 3d right
5 : dunno. maybe "are the blocks with which you take the pictures the same blocks as those you can identify once you have the picture figured out ?"
6 : dunno. sthing about visual noise ? or that in a complex environnement we dont necessarily distinguish between all the objects separately ????? this is the most mysterious to me !!
7 : object recognition theory of geons (wiki thanks) which kinda answer question 5 and solve the 1-4 problem (property of the geons)

i like the picture number 5 - whatever the meaning intended was lol :)

Posted by: bored_chicken | March 3, 2010 6:28 PM


Visual depth perception has something to do with it.....

Your conclusion: People should wear more hats? 42?

Posted by: Orri | March 4, 2010 10:07 AM

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